Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blasphemers In Nook and Cranny

Who is bringing the earth to terminal grief--
blood-dripping war-mongers or blasphemers?
globalised looters or blasphemers?
racist imperialists or blasphemers?
the Brahmins of the world, or blasphemers?

The blasphemers, of course;
the other ones always have god
on their side, have they not?

And they are everywhere:
termites eating into the nooks
and crannies of the new world order
that the honest foot-soldiers of
Faith and Finance
work so hard to build
for those whom god loves.

Thus is it that we must be clear
about how blasphemers inter-connect,
far and near, in bold public square,
on Facebook, or Twitter—
spaces we made available,
so the world could be made stable
for salvation through profit-making ;
they think the progress we furnish
is simply for the taking.

Thus also the need for liquidation
if Liquidity is to be protected
for the global Corporation.

No greater blasphemers than those
who transgress
what we have designated blasphemous.

A Salman Taseer in Pindi,
or a Giffords in Arizona,
a Chavez in Caracas,
or a Muslim in Poona,
a Dalit in India,
or a Christian in Alexandria,
a cloutless woman anywhere
who dares the paterfamilia,
a Naxal in Chattisgarh,
or an Assange in London,
this avalanche of renegades
the world must abandon
to authorized assassins
and outsourced agents,
if the way is to be cleared
for the latter-day regents
of Faith and Finance,
of Values and Morals,
to do the blood-dance
that may bring laurels
to god and his prophets,
to corporates and armies,
to priests, pundits, and mullahs
who bless and bolster all these.

Thus, have at them, blasphemers—
they are all red;
have at them, have at them,
they are best dead.

Socrates was one such,
and what was done to him
saved the world for merchandize
and Capitalism.

And Capitalism unsung by Faith
is never a safe bet;
small minds that question this
offer the biggest threat.

Thus Capital’s drones and Religion’s goons,
they have a job to do,
a job no less than to save the world
from a mere me and you
that blaspheme unthinkingly
on the side of the human crew.


Badri Raina

1 comment:

  1. What about the folks in the Party Villages of Kannur? Do they have any rights to be on their own and have own opinions?

    Or for that the matter the most recent Nobel peace prize winner who is wasting away in a Chinese prison?

    Crocodile tears do not make a difference.
