Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crossing the Line

Sardar Montek Singh Ahluwalia,
He plan my poverty;
Suddenly I am a rich man,
For my income is thirty three.

Having crossed the line by a whole Rupee,
I now have more and more;
I see around my jhuggi things
I never could see before.

That magic buck floats angelic
Beyond my penury;
The thirty two upon the ground
Reach up for the Christmas tree.

The knowledge that this extra buck
Puts me among the haves,
Makes me feel I needed not
The sumptuous fishes and loaves

That I never had nor ever will
Find upon my skeletal palm;
Better prepared I am to starve
With thirty third for balm.

At thirty three the son of god
Suffered fake demise;
Food or no food I too am set
To rise, and rise, and rise.

Dear Montek, he give selflessly
Such healthful advice;
Soon no poor shall remain,
But plenty of rice.

Badri Raina

1 comment:

  1. Sardar Montek Singh Ahluwalia,
    He plan my poverty;
    Suddenly I am a rich man,
    For my income is thirty three.
