Thursday, February 2, 2012

Brave-Heart towards Brigade 2012

Glimpse of Past


Geoffrey Moorhouse in 1978 presents a vivid description of Communist Party of India (Marxist)’s rally on the Maidan, “They generally start about tea time, they rarely finish before nine o’clock… they are masterly exhibitions of organisation… The platform is high so that everyone on it will be visible at a great distance, and it is large enough to accommodate twenty or thirty… it is illuminated with spotlights, it flutters with red flags, and it has huge red backcloth upon which Lenin is straining resolutely forward from a thicket of banners. Everything is perfectly under control… as they sit there upon the ground, row after attentive row of them, a brigade of young women to the fore… distantly across the Maidan people have climbed trees and others are packed standing on top of the Esplanade tram shelters… there must be a hundred thousand here altogether… the leaders come through the guard of honour to the platform…it is only when Promode Dasgupta and Hare Krishna Konar are having their say… theirs is the oratory that sends men delirious with dreams, that can set a rabble to a march of destruction… when the speeches are done, the leaders begin to sing the Internationale… all over the crowd torches are swiftly lit and held high in flaring salute…”

The gigantic crowd once again proved the overwhelming support of common mass for the party. On 13th February, 2011 massive sea of people broke all the records of last 10 years’ rally. Perhaps only the historic rally of November 29, 1992, can come to any comparison. Dependent sources claim that the number surpassed 15 lakh. The junction of Kona Expressway and Burdwan Road was the main passage for the comrades of Burdwan, Hooghly and Howrah. But they got blocked in Mumbai Road at around 12:15. At last they had to go by foot from the Calcutta approach terminal of the second Hooghly Bridge, and managed to reach Maidan at around 3:15. Even then the entire Bombay Road was floating in the crowd. Many comrades could not manage through the crowd and went back home. Each inch of the 22 kilometre distance from Kona Express to Maidan was replete with common mass with red flags on their shoulders. When the meeting ended at 3:30, a sea of crowd was waiting outside Maidan, finding no place to enter. A large chunk of people from South 24 Parganas could not enter and went back. If these accounts are taken in consideration; the actual number would perhaps cross the historic 25 lakh of the 1992 rally.

Towards Brigade 2012

From farmer, Land labour & working people to students, the people of West Bengal are facing an unprecedented state-endorsed attack on democracy and democratic rights. The tale of eight months of ‘Change’ has literally changed the secured social ethics of the state; if you are a college principal, you may be physically attacked, if you are a land labour or farmer you may have to commit suicide due to total government apathy, if you are a left activist, you will face a murderous attack. This attack on the people has resulted in the following:

• 55 left activists got killed, 4278 supporter activists are severely injured, 582 party offices got ransacked, and 3197 member supporters got detained by the police in false cases in the TMC regime till date.

• 30 farmers have committed suicide in the state

• Hundreds of infants have died due to the appalling failure of the health department of the state

• College Principals and school headmasters and teachers have been beaten up by Trinamool goons.

• Land from 527 farmers amounting to 1000 acres has been snatched away. Additionally, 4700 patta-owners have been evicted from 2700 acres of land, 3710 bargadars have been evicted from 1587 acres of land while 14025 persons have been evicted from legally acquired land.

Yet brave-hearts will march towards brigade in protest against the anti-people government to renew the resolve to fight and strengthen the left. The West Bengal state committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has given a call to join in the open rally of 19th February, 2012 that concludes its 23rd State conference, at the Brigade Parade Ground.

See you at Brigade Parade Ground on 19th February 2012

Link: CPIM West Bengal State Committee Web Site

1 comment:

  1. Yet brave-hearts will march towards brigade in protest against the anti-people government to renew the resolve to fight and strengthen the left. The West Bengal state committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has given a call to join in the open rally of 19th February, 2012 that concludes its 23rd State conference, at the Brigade Parade Ground.
