Monday, December 13, 2010

Radia, Tusi Great Ho

Those that compile lists
of the rich, famous, and powerful
men and women
just missed out on Nira Radia.

Once given that proverbial chance,
Radia made the rich and famous dance
to her competent tune, and made fool
of many vain achievers
without ever going to a management school.

A fine instance of how a tool
may the business world advance.

Name a corporate honcho, a minister,
a television group editor
of consequence, a columnist
that did not fear her soft little fist,
or in wisely concealed calm,
eat of her copious palm.

Is there something else that qualifies
for greatness?

Yet she does not figure among
the rich and famous
who have make the world a mess.

I salute thee, Radia;
thou hast the quiet finesse
and packed power
of the gentle constrictor.

Your velvet and fur
smother without a hiss.

You administer the kiss
of money without raising your voice
or losing your poise;
it is the self-righteous, anti-national
whistle-blower who makes all the noise.

Those that lose the throw of the dice
shout hoarse when the corporate
or minister of your choice
favours not them with a big enough slice.
such is the price of success,
but only till the next minister or government
sorts out the fuss.

O, Radia, thou wast born to prove
the truth of the simple maxim
of which the bearded German knew:
that what we call the State
is a consummate brew
of the corporate and those
that his bidding do.

The people—they elect government,
then on their way are sent,
fulfilling Democracy’s political intent.
You make the cabinet and ensure
that the moola flows
out of their plate
to bolster the needy corporate.

The tiresome moralizers call this loot,
whereas you and I know
you only further the proper
business of the State.

Radia, do not thou fret;
with Tata and the Channels—
who did not make a story
of what you were upto—
by your side, no investigative wretch
may so much as touch
a hair of your cool-competent head;
it is the rabble-rouser who
will pay instead.

Badri Raina

1 comment:

വര്‍ക്കേഴ്സ് ഫോറം said...

ബദ്രി റെയ്നയുടെ ആംഗലേയ കവിത